A few weeks ago, Google announced that Android will discontinue support Nearby Notifications from December 6th, 2018. The reason is that the Nearby mechanism can be abused and being cumbersome for the normal users, as they will receive many irrelevant notifications.
Google Nearby is a significant innovation in the proximity marketing fields. Unfortunately, Google make little effort in improving documentation or explaining to marketers how best to make content relevant and timely. But choose to shut down the service entirely instead of focusing on improving the end-user experience or implementing mechanisms which can easily and effectively solve the spam problem.
How the new change impacts Minew beacon device functionality? Except the Eddystone URL, there will be no influence at all. Similar to Google Nearby, using Minew MiniBeaconPlus SDK will bring you a better user experience. Our free SDK makes proximity application development process more faster and easier.
Moreover, Minew MiniBeacon Plus SDK is available for both Android and iOS, giving identical user experience in contrast to Nearby.
If you have any questions, Please feel free to email us info@minew.com.