Discover more in sensor Beacon

Being held and supported by the Government,”China Hi-Tech Fairhas been well-known as the top Technology Fair in China. Most international influential hi-tech companies and experts attend this event every year. During its 18th session at November 16th 2016 ,we are proud to be invited to display our products there.

We mainly present the producttemperature and humidity sensor S1at this show. The reason why this IOT product is superior to traditional one, is that it could, under continuing multi-nodes monitoring of gateways developed by our team, transfer temperature and humidity data into real-time digital information to our smart ends 24 ore. It is also wind-and water-resistant, with measuring accuracy of 0.1℃, and even works in temperature up to 70℃ and down to -40℃. This type of product could be applied in laboratories, magazzini, factories, art museums, cold stores etc.and it was absorbing many visitors, organizations and government departments come with interest in this fair.

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